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Wie kann ein Kulturprogramm wesentlich zur Wirkungsentfaltung der Konferenz beitragen? Wie setzen wir neue Impulse setzen und bewegen Menschen zum Handeln?
[y]our 2040 is an annual gathering dedicated to co-creating a coalition of the willing to accelerate the transition to a planetary boundary compatible society. The gathering is the cornerstone in our yearly event series focused on driving impact at scale. Our aim is to bring people together to create a community of advocates to accelerate change; to facilitate discussions that amplify learning; and to develop ideas worth implementing. The community focuses on identifying next steps, actions and strategies towards a more positive future.
#klimakonferenz #netzwerkanlass #vermittlung
Kuration Kunst- und Kulturprogramm
Verein (y)our2040 mit ETH Zürich und Weisse Arena Gruppe AG

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